
Launch of the World Otaku Institute!

 ■Launch of the World Otaku Institute!

“The Current State of Research on Otaku Culture and the Necessity for an International Research Institute” was the kickoff event for the World Otaku Institute.

The idea is to create a headquarters for otaku researchers around the world.

It will be established as a hub in the Pop & Tech Special Zone CiP.

It aims to be a city that can only exist in Japan by combining Silicon Valley and Hollywood while being a poppy, fun place where creators, users, gamers, otaku, YouTubers, and cosplayers all gather.

It started off as an idea put forth by Takamasa Sakurai. Mr. Sakurai, who carried out a role equivalent to that of tens of diplomats through his activity to spread pop culture, passed away in an accident on December 4, 2015. The day before that, we agreed on a plan to strengthen global cooperation by nurturing the international otaku community and shook hands. This project carries on this idea.

It will work together with the International Otaku Expo Association (IOEA), which Mr. Sakurai served as the Executive Director for. Through the collaboration between IOEA, which 43 countries and regions and 114 events are members of, and CiP, connections to overseas universities and researchers will be expanded. This will serve as a hub for researchers around the world. Global otaku research should be invigorated.

I explained, “We decided to build a network of leading experts in otaku research and establish a research institute in Takeshiba’s new facility that will be completed in 2020. As I would like it to grow as a research institute that various researchers and fans from the 5 continents enjoy, I ask that all of you please expand this network by all means.”

“I have been involved in the Japanese government’s strategic discussions, and although the importance of this field has started to become recognized over the last 10 years, it has yet to be firmly established and is in a precarious position from which it can be regulated immediately because it is a popular culture that has risen from the bottom. Since each country has its own stance, I would like to aim for the coexistence of various cultures by deepening international comparison and cooperation.”

“Regarding this point, it would be wonderful to build an academic axis in the genre of otaku research and establish an “exit” from an industrial policy perspective. At the same time, pop culture has a close relationship with technology. Digital and smart technologies have greatly impacted culture, which in turn affects technology.”

“At the moment, a great wave of technology is approaching. How will the series of technology including AI, IoT, and blockchain interact with pop culture? 2020 Tokyo will serve as the showcase for this, but how will otaku research be involved with this? 2020 is a pivotal time for cultural research. It is worth keeping an eye on.”

“The World Otaku Institute would like to become a sandbox for researchers around the world, who would be able to play freely, make mountains, and dig in. At the same time, we would like to be creative in attracting research funds and money for business.” Having stated this, I declared without getting approval from anybody, “We will allow researchers to use Takeshiba’s CiP site for free.”

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