AIP(Advanced Intelligence Project): a comprehensive project combining
artificial intelligence, big data, IoT, and cyber-security. Three government
ministries, MEXT, METI, and MIC are collaborating to promote AI research and
development as well as its social implementation. 30 million of the 70 million doller
budget has been appropriated towards
only that, but the government has assigned the 42 year old Tokyo University
professor Sugiyama to a top position in the RIKEN AIP Center. The project has also secured a driving force
in the form of its special advisor, Carnegie Mellon's Takeo Kanade, the
heavyweight director of the National Informatics Institute's Kitsuregawa
1985, then-70 MIT President Jerome Wiesner entrusted the 42 year old Nicholas
Negroponte the directorship of MIT's Media Lab. This is reminiscent of that.
Negroponte went on to hold the directorship for 15 years. Perhaps Japan is
seeking the same kind of enthusiasm, entrusting the next 15 years of AI
research to professor Sugiyama.
addition to developing foundational technology in the form of revolutionary
algorithms such as deep learning, the project will move forward on implementing
these technologies in society. AI has uses in fields such as medicine and disaster
in a world where companies like Google and Amazon are investing in this
technology to the tune of hundreds of billions of yen, the Japanese government has budgeted only
billions. Is there a strategy that can bridge this gap?
to Professor Sugiyama, applied research is a battle of the budgets, but
foundational research is a competition between individuals. He goes on to say
that on the level of individual researchers, at least, Japan has the capacity
to become a game changer.
then, what of applied research? It all comes down to the careful selection of
themes. They'll have the cooperation of Nobel Prize winners in physiology and
medicine for research into iPS cells (Prof. Shinya Yamanaka) and in physics for
the invention of efficient blue LEDs (Prof. Hiroshi Amano). Additionally, healthcare and disaster
management can be turned into projects, utilizing Japan's strengths as a
developed country facing these new challenges.
AIP plans to bring together a system of 200 young top-level researchers.
They'll pour efforts into social research at the same time as they continue to
cover foundational technology and developing applications. It's important to
build a community based not only on scientific research but also on
investigating socio-economics, ethics, philosophy and more.
intend to take up the task of promoting these subjects.
It could be a strategy for Japan to become a major power in
AI use. Utilizing it for new developed country challenges such as medicine and
disaster management is important, but we should also be proactive in
integrating it in the areas of pop culture and education. I want to continue to
spread that message far and wide.
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