
iUniversity Manifesto

  iUniversity is a new university specializing in information and communications technology (ICT). I am creating a school that has no precedent anywhere in the world.
We have a number of actions that we have decided to take, and endeavors that we will be taking on. All of these are outlined in this manifesto.

1. Actions
The following are five measures that we will implement.
As I have already described these on my blog, I will omit the explanations of each measure here.

1) English-language education that incorporates ICT and business
2) The Pre-Career University: Internships and business projects for all students, in cooperation with ICT companies
3) A teaching staff made up of professionals who have played significant roles in the industry
4) Combining online education with active learning
5) Two Tokyo campuses (Sumida and Takeshiba) located in between the international airports

2. Endeavors
The following are five challenges that we will be taking on, and things we would like to implement.

1) Global intellectual hub
We will strive to be a “Hub University” that accumulates and disseminates knowledge from around the world. We will have 100 leading global figures, world-class experts, and businesspeople as visiting professors, and offer online courses.

2) Jobs for all students
We will establish i K.K., a company that all of our students will be able to join. Instructors and students will engage in business, in partnership with the industry at large.

3) Every student will launch their own business
For each student, launching a business will be a part of the curriculum. Each student will have a chance to start up a business, and we will provide funding. Even if the business fails, that will be OK. Of course, the goal will be to succeed, and/or to reach the exit strategy.
4) Special Educational Zone
We will create a Campus Special Educational Zone. The Takeshiba area has already been designated a National Strategic Special Zone, and we will expand this to encompass education.
We are considering measures including: making our educational content copyright-free; relaxing the requirements that overseas students face with regard to attending school and finding employment; and exempting companies that are started here from corporate taxes.

5) Global Campus Passport

We will strengthen our partnerships with the world’s leading universities, and introduce credit transferability, double degrees, and a passport that will enable access to foreign university campuses (including libraries, cafeterias, facilities, and equipment).


Special characteristics of “iUniversity”

 In the year 2020 in Tokyo, I will establish an ICT professional school “iUniversity”, and become its president.
 I will lay out its special characteristics here.

1 ICT education
 In regards to education in the ICT field, in programing, information processing, etc. which shall become the warp thread. The parent organization, Japan Electronics Academy has a foundation gained over a 66-year period. Its cornerstones are its 110,000 graduates that are sent out into the business world, its track record, and trust.

2 Platform
 The weft thread, or business world will be to conduct hands-on education starting with the CiP Association, in addition to collaborating with IT related consortiums, and working with numerous enterprises. We will welcome about 100 professionals, such as front line business people, as guest professors. By doing so, our capabilities as a business-academic collaborative platform will be realized.

3 A college where you learn on your own
 While providing a virtual learning environment where you can learn at any time or any place, and by having all students with internships, there will have a combination of real, on the scene training, virtual training and an English-centric course environment. This is the infrastructure that will be prepared. On top of this, we will create a money-earning environment. By having all students gone for internships, they will aim to further the companies they work at, and then create their own businesses. There will collaborate with funds that will support the new businesses students create.

4 Test bed 
 We will make use of National Strategic Special Zones or “CiP”. The ICT will be located in Tokyo Bay area in Takeshiba. Digital enterprises, domestic and international universities such as Keio University and Stanford University will participate in the “CiP” framework that will be implemented for the easing of various restrictions on radio waves, the IoT, robot, and new businesses. The school will play a core roll to conduct experiments and proofs based on a business-academic collaboration.

5 A digital super school
 In April 2017, I presented on the “digital super school” concept.
 “I imagined a ‘digital super school’”

 iU will endeavor to its fullest to meet these challenges. Its concept is to create a super college from the following ten points plan, and a community that has surpassed the school framework. iU will present the foundation and system, and head towards its realization.
1)    Technology driven education and  research
2)    Digitally specialized education and research
3)    Implementation in priority areas
4)    Integration of arts and sciences
5)    Virtual and the real
6)    Based on real projects
7)    World class education
8)    Learn on the job
9)    Diversity
10)National Strategic Special Zones

 This is the challenge. I am looking forward to your support.